I got there a bit late, so very brief notes here - Caylee Hong attended though, and may add her notes.
Gender and adaptation finance instruments - main instruments are underfunded and stuck on project by project - not progammatic approach. Points I heard:
- Don't just rely on micro financing, and don't relegate women to just disadvantaged groups.
- Require UNFCC develop a gender plan of action.
- Need gender guidelines at the new Green Climate Fund, gender-equitable language, gender sensitive criteria for new funds, include gender considerations in decision making
- To see climate fund update - http://www.climatefundsupdate.org
- To see more on climate change financing - www.boell.org/web/140.html,
Recent cost estimates for climate change adaptation are huge and the
current funding - pledged vs deposited vs approved vs distributed A very low percentage - too much paid for adaptation, not for mitigation. Relevant recent Cancun Decision. Does it take gender concerns into consideration. Many of the adaptation are extremely underfunded. lack of gender-differentiated data, also the staff mind set.
Network of women of ministers and leaders in Agriculture (Women Organising for Change in Agriculture and NRM)
Did a study 24 organizations in 23 countries - food security central topic. Other challenges - high temperatures, hotter and wetter sumers with colder and drier winters. water scarcity.
Women's role with rural leadership - Women farmers' leadership on agriculture and climate change.
Number of weather problems dealing with lower yields. Incredible resiliancy. Identified coops seed saving, ets as one way to deal with challenges.
Women leader's network on climate justice headed by Mary Robinson and government leade3rs, gender and climate justice network, women producer groups/experts in agriculture Stronger gender justice language.
Industrial agriculture is one of main emitters of GHG.
What is meant by adaptation - early warning systems, community based, organic farming, herbal pesticides etc. terracing. In Cancun - strong split among women - opposition to REDD. Implentation of CEDA and INDRIP.
RIO + 20 - CSD 2012 will focus on a 20 year review of the Earth Summit that took place in 1992.
Rights based approaches to climate resiliency: women at the centre- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Water stress map - Projected changes in agricultural productivity in 2080.
Feminization of food insecurity Women who suffer the most. Convergence of crises - Climate Change - Water Crisis - Food Production, Many think of these in isolation.
Talked about women who have formed a network Tamilnadu Women's Collective - 3 principals - empowerment of women, participation of women in local governance systems, promotion of multifunctional agriculture. Every Thursday, they have a program on radio. Policy interventions directed towards food and water security. Natural farming as distinct from organic farming - they see organic farming as commercial. Use low water agriculture.Selectively using tools in their practice.
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