Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!

Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!! The National Council of Women of Canada will be attending the meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women in February/March 2011. Watch this site for news about this meeting, what is being discussed, and what are some of the outcomes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

High Level Round Table - day 1.

Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work

Mr. Fortunato de la Peña, Vice-Chair of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development and Undersecretary for Science and Technology, Philippines Commission for Science and Technology for Development, was the keynote speaker.

Men have disproportionately benefited from science and technology.  A number of things have been recommended - established an advisory board. It is only agency of UN with a gender advisory board.

Major barrier is social and cultural attitudes - hi lighted ways to deal with these challenges. Science and technology courses in early years.Even in developed countries women only at 30% of senior positions in University.
World Summit on Information Society - WSIS - the Commission of Science and Technology will be reviewing the progress.

A number of countries spoke - Korea, Canada, Barbados, South Africa, Turkey, Norway, Zimbabwe, for example. Even with successes, challenges remain. Under represented in higher leadership and decision makers. Remove the Grass Ceiling -

Canada - needs access to decent work, Ed. responsibility of provinces. Canada invests in women's education. NGOs work together with provinces and the private sector in non traditional fields. Mentioned a program in Alberta - Women Building Futures - non traditional trades. No mention of access to child care, or supports for working women.

Mainstreaming persons with disabilities. Access to basic rights, such as education. People with disabilities especially vulnerable. 1/3 of children not in school are children with disabilities.Not just lack of access -

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