The Commission on the Status of Women will be meeting in New York from February 22nd to March 4th, 2011. The theme this year is access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work
Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!
Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!! The National Council of Women of Canada will be attending the meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women in February/March 2011. Watch this site for news about this meeting, what is being discussed, and what are some of the outcomes.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Opening of CSW In the General Assembly
This was quite a formal event - taking place in the General Assembly. I was fortunate to have a good seat and view of this impressive room.
After opening remarks, we heard from Deputy Secretary General review what is happening at the UN - especially UN Women.
Spoke about the value of educating girls - the rate is low, and continues to be low. Importance of this session, and look forward to gender and sustainable development.
Remarks - from Zambia. President of the Economic and Social Council sees UN Women as a catalyst across the UN. ECOSOC main vehicle for economic and social policies of UN. As president will work for better interlinkages, and aligning ECOSOC with other UN entities.
Sees it necessary to proritize UN Women's work - have vision and determination.
To plan for a day, catch a fish,
To plan for a year, plant rice,
To plan for a decade, plant a tree,
To plan for a lifetime - educate a GIRL!
ECOSOC meeting in the fall, and will be monitoring the implementation of agreements.
Working group on communications - composition of the working group was presented.
Acceptance of provisional agenda.
Announcement of high level Round Tables later today. There will be 2 - i have a ticket to one.
Michelle Bachelet - spoke with acknowledging support of UN and NGOs. Sharing what works, and what systems lead to concrete results. Also commit to further actions. Progress uneven and fragile. Too many trafficked, working and not protected, leaving school too early, lacking services. World wide too few women at decision making tables. Countries adopting fiscal austerity programs. Lack of equality, and discrimination against women does not lead to progress. Urgent challenges, especially poorest women. Work at national, regional and global levels. Maximize mandate of UN Women - First Strategic Plan.Heard work on a few issues, and work with UN systems. Support national partners. Focus on 5 thematic - expand women's voice - ending violence against women - strenghtening women's role with peace processes - women's economic empowerment - making gender priority - evidence based support for budget and planning that includes gender.
Two reports that have been done for the Secretary General - shows the importance of education - 5 key points, access to education not enough - quality - improving curruculm; measures educational materials - role models - education not enough for women to gain decent work - transition to work gender sensitive - science and technology - gender sensitive, empowering women to totally participate in technology and ICT. Right to participate in ICT research -
Violence against girl child - review - what measures have been taken and what has been their impact.
Sustainable development - opportunity that a gender perspecitve will be part of Rio plus 20, in 2012.
Eliminating maternal mortality. Reports that are before the commission - support for Palestinian women.
In terms of Women in the positions at the UN - can lead by example - gender balance in the staff of the UN. UN Women will work for equal representation in the UN system.
Next - tabling report by CEDAW. Main outcomes of 46, 47, and 48 meetings of CEDAW. Considered 28 reports - observations and recommendations - related to trafficking, wage disparities, violence against women, harmful practices, stateless women - ending discrimination against women in all its forms. Special plight of older women - income insecurity, housing and access to health care. Committee continuing it's study of affect of separation and family break up on women (economic security). Need for full participation of women in peace and reconstruction. General recommendation on access to justice. Collaborating with UN Women - have met - on matters of common concerns. Linkages with other entities being strengthened. Withdrawl of reservations - substantive equality between men and women - much work remains to be done, in law and practice - not achieved in any country of the world. Gender based violence in the public and private field.
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