Sponsored by Mission of Bangladesh to the UN, Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law, Women's UN Report Network - WUNRN
Need to protect rights of most vulnerable - Bangladesh supports full implementation of Santiago Declaration and the Declaration of Human Rights. Bangladesh on Human Rights Council and Executive Board for UN Women.
Comments by Cora Weiss - President of the Hague Appeal for Peace
- Capacity of civil society to affect government. More legitimacy than head quartered documents. This happened with SC 1325.
- Declaration for Peace is civil society driven. Even if not passed, civil society should pass it/adopt it, and use it. Food for these amended constitutions that will be happening. We can be the monitors of the Declaration. Don't have to wait for governments. It is the most holistic definition of Peace - opens doors for environmental movements, disarmament groups, human rights groups. We have a support group for so many issues,- this is the most genderized, which is not specific to women (like 1325)
This document, humanized - prohibits the glory of war, prohibits weapons that affect the environment
- Article 19, acknowledges women - and part of all the process. Full and effective implementation of 1325. Peace a shared responsibility between men and women. Acknowledges the Hague Convention.
David Fernandez Puyana
- Support from 900 NGOs. Will link with other civil society organizations - to bring into General Assembly of UN. Spanish Observatory - San Diego Declaration on HR to peace.
Ms Bineta Diop - FemmesAfrica Solidarite
- We don't see women at the peace table. not highlighted same as right to food security. Not yet recognized with monitoring mechanisms. SC 1325 which is a rights based approach. Have o fight for it, and connect 1325 to the HR for Peace. Prevention will help. Reinforce rights for women. Best way to to protect is to prevent, and best way to prevent is to have women participate. Have so many mechanisms - and UPR - periodic review - CEDAW. San Diego Declaration - getting closer to a universal declaration, need to continue the campaign. With right mechanism - fight in Geneva. See it in prevention of war - have right to intervene. Can prevent violent conflict. Rape issues, and how to bring perpetrators to peace. Bring Peace to the Women!.
Lois Herman WUNRN - Women 's UN Report Network
Described the affects of war on women. Had photos - acknowledged Ambassador Chowdry role in 1325. Women in the frontlines - looking for the missing. Lois showed a PowerPoint with many pictures that showed the many faces of war. How many widows there are. Impacts all rights of women. Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Congo. Resolution 1888 and 1889. Refugee camps - You get what you pay for comparison of military and gender based spending. Women and the pain of war - Bosnia. Gas attack in Afghanistan against girls in school. Women trying to cope, withouthttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/adoption/hague.asp the building blocks of life. Women all over the world dealing with consequences of war. Argentina - mothers and grandmothers of the world Mothers of the Disappeared. Chechnya - missing family members. International Tribunal of crimes against the women of Burma. Iraq's war widows. Girl child soldiers, and girl child wives.
Mikiko Otani Human Rights Lawyer, from SE Asia
People have struggled for rights to peace in Asia Pacific region. Nuclear weapons - advocate for elimination/reduction. Women should play an active role. Need for women's equal participation. Women have made international court more sensitive to gender issues. play leading role in civil society in this process. Right to life is core to all rights - so fundamental to enjoy all human rights. We are at critical period. Hi time to make right to peace a human right.
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