Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!

Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!! The National Council of Women of Canada will be attending the meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women in February/March 2011. Watch this site for news about this meeting, what is being discussed, and what are some of the outcomes.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Times Square and a Sunday Night in New York

Heading to Times Square and the last minute ticket kiosk was a good idea - but it was cold standing for 50 minutes to get tickets to an excellent play - Love, Loss, and What I Wore. It was a play with 5 women - and any woman could relate to it - it was sad, it was funny, it was about dresses, shoes, purses - and life. We really enjoyed it.

Ardith and I got the tickets for half price, and several people suggested it - including the ticket sellers. By the way, although the story is that New Yorkers are rude, i sure have never found that - everyone is very helpful, and have a story to tell. Today we ran into a wonderful woman, Kate, while we were waiting for the Play to start, and have lengthy conversation about the ills of America. She was interesting because she has lived in New York for quite awhile, but always said she was from Philadelphia, until September 11th - After that, she identified totally with New York.

Excellent hot corned beef sandwich and cheese cake at the Edison Grill, next door to a wonderful deco hotel called the Edison. I think it would be a good, and reasonable place to stay - if you wanted to be close to Broadway.

Tomorrow will be a full day - we have the consultation day for the NGOs, and also wanting to get the secondary passes for accessing the major functions on the Opening Day. More on that tomorrow.

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