Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!

Welcome to the NCWC Blog about the CSW 2011!! The National Council of Women of Canada will be attending the meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women in February/March 2011. Watch this site for news about this meeting, what is being discussed, and what are some of the outcomes.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

National Council of Women of Canada Invited to a Round Table with Minsiter Rona Ambrose at the CSW

photo of Round Table 1 (Violence Against Women) and Round Table 2 (Education for Girls)
Today, Thursday, February 24th, NCWC was invited to join other Canadian NGOs to a Round Table to discuss Girls and Education. 

This worked well, as we had completed our report, based on the event we held yesterday. A report had been prepared, and the draft was submitted to Minister Ambrose, along with the material from the Human Right to Peace seminar, held just before the Minister's Round Table.There were 5 organizations represented at the Round Table.

The discussion with the Minister covered a number of topics, including violence against girls, women in trades, access to decent work, balance of work and family, aboriginal education, sexuality education, sustainable green jobs, access to data (reference to the changes to Canada's Census, and information on unpaid work). Interesting, she noted that she has taken our concern to Census Canada, and been assured the information regarding unpaid work will be available from other sources. Minister Ambrose also talked about the availability of funding for Blueprint Projects - supporting priorities by the government. There are already 323 proposals for funding from this fund.

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